..Call them what you may, sometimes having just the right jewelry tools for your project is the difference that makes the difference.
There was a time, when I used the seemingly acceptable excuse, that I would not need to get specialized tools. I couldn't spare the expense. I would wing it. I could be lateral thinking and creative. And don't get me wrong - all that are good things. You will be amazed how many things we have around us that can be made to perform other functions when we put our creative caps on.
However though I would never encourage anyone to go out and buy every snazzy, fancy do-da tool that catches your eye, promises you much, and feel that it is (yet another) a must-have, I must confess to having come to a personal experiential understanding why true professionals do have great, quality tools in their arsenal!
Not that I am patting myself on the back here by teaming myself as a "true professional", but I have seen the difference it makes when I use the right jewelry tool and when I don't. And it is not just the difference in outcome, it is also the pure JOY of using a quality tool that makes your jewelry making process sing along as you work. A real joy.
Being rather budget conscious, I hate to admit it - but there is quality and then there is just .. well, not! I have had expensive pliers that did not last the distance and I have had, at the same time, economy pliers that have been with me since the first day I picked them up. There is no need to rush out and dump all your budget jewelry tools and dig out your piggy to get Expensive, branded ones, you will find your own favourite working sets as you go.
I know that is a tat contrary to the advice from many jewelry hobbists and artists out there. The often given piece of advice is to fork out for good quality up front rather than buying a bunch of "lesser" quality ones. Even though my quality jewelers tools give me immense pleasure each time I pick them up, I still use some of my budget ones for a lot of things. So I say, get quality tools if:
There are so many kinds of jewelry making tools, gadgets, and equipment out there. And if you are just beginning with trying out a new kind of tool for a new technique or project, you may not know exactly if the tool(s) you are contemplating are the correct ones for your needs. So if there is a much less costlier version(s), give them a go.
What is the right tool for the right job? Of course, a lot of jewelry tools are extremely versatile (as they should be!) and can be used for a lot of different projects. But below is a shortlist of Tools to Job Types.
The information on Hammers, Mallets, Steel Block, and Avils is so much that I have gotten them on the Hammers page for you ...
This is but a shortlist of all the various jewelry tools out there and that you may acquire (if you have not already) in your jewelry making, splendiferous journey. Don't be overwhelmed by it. After all, you probably won't need them all. And you certainly don't need to get them all right now! Use this as a handy reference, panic not required.
Haha. Common Sense rhymes with Jewelry Tools! There must be a message in that!!!
Many people don't even bother reading the warning advice that comes, by law, with their tools. However it always pays to read it one more time - just in case. It might even save a limb or life! Most of the time, they are pretty commonsense rules but always worth a read to be safe.
Most people think that real craftsman power tools can be dangerous but less so jewelry tools. Any tool can be dangerous if not used, maintained, handled well. And with the increasing sophistication of tools used by jewelers, artisans, and hobbists alike - many involving fire, electricity, and power - precaution should be a byword for all of us.
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