Plastic Trimmings
part of Crystallized™-
Swarovski Elements

COLLECTION > Plastic Trimmings

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Swarovski range of Plastic Trimmings includes trimmings, bandings, and a range of deliciously, top-quality Plastic Components which are targeted at Clothing, Accessories, and Jewelry Making industries. The Plastic Trimmings are made from plastic with Swarovski crystals integrated into them. A multi-functional product. Can be hand or machine sewn, glued or mechanically applied to various kinds of materials.


Swarovski Plastic TrimmingsThe Bandings offered in this range includes offerings of XILLION Chaton colour as well as casing colours.

Additionally almost all Plastic Components are available in gold & silver plating.

We will collect a list of Swarovski Plastic Trimings product range for your easy reference. They will be sorted by their Codes. Not every item has a name but when they do, we will include it. Click on the code-link for more details of each product article.

sub-category   code name (if available)
Crystalflex Bandings Motives 66000  
Mini Components 4715/123 (heart charm/drop)
Plastic Components 51411 (round donut)

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