Swarovski Crystal Flat Backs

Flat Back Hotfix (HF) and No Hotfix (NoHF) 2080/4 Cabochon

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Swarovski Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon

Swarovski Crystal Flatback 2080/4 Cabochon was released in late 2010 during the Innovations Autumn/Winter 2011/12. The Flat Backs Hotfix line was extended to include pearl effects. This opened up a new world of design possibilities in the textile, fashion, accessories, and jewelry segments. Pearl motifs could be easily incorporated into varied motifs and themes.

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In the recent Innovations Spring/Summer 2013, released in February 2012, Swarovski again extended this range to include the fresh and vibrant Pearl Gemcolors for the Flat Backs Hotfix.

This Flat Back, named the Cabochon, is available for both:

There is however more colors for the Flat Back Hotfix at the moment (as at Feb 2012) than for the No Hotfix. And currently the pearly effects are only for the Hotfix.

Cabochons are often referred to as cab for short.

Swarovski Flat Backs - General Information

Even though, in Swarovski lexicon, the term is "Flat Back", it seems that most people will more frequently spell it as "flatback" (one word). Therefore I will use both terms interchangeably, to mean the same thing.

Swarovski Flat Backs are loose crystal elements with a flat reverse side.

Generally, flatbacks with no Hotfix on the reverse, have an exclusive Swarovski Platinum Foiling (F) to create maximum brilliance.

Flatbacks with Hotfix will usually have an aluminium mirror finish on the reverse side as well as a pre-coating of heat sensitive glue. These are heat-applied (e.g. ironing on) to a wide range of carrier materials. They are durable and long lasting.

See more details on Foiling, How to iron on, with Recommended Heat Temperatures.

Swarovski Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon

Click thumbnails to have a larger version of the image and line drawings.

Swarovski Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon Swarovski Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon

Swarovski Flat Back Hotfix (HF)

Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon HF- Sizes

Swarovsky Flatback 2080/4 Cabochon HF is available in these sizes: SS10, SS16, SS34

Refer to the PP/SS Size Chart for conversion to mm and inches (Opens in new window)

Please refer the Availability Chart Matrix below for more specifics.

Swarovski Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon Hotfix - Availability Chart Matrix

Swarovski Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon Hotfix - Availability Chart Matrix

buy Swarovski from Swarovski Authorized dealerTo buy Swarovski crystal and findings, why not pop over to my Clearly Chosen Swarovski Store. As a Swarovski authorized dealer (wholesale/retail), I can help you either search for and/or order in for you the Swarovski you need to find.  Feel free to use the free Library here to research for some of the hard-to-find Swarovski crystals.

Or Contact Me (new window) - please give me as much specifics as you can when enquiring after Swarovski, e.g. code number, size, color, effect.

Please note: apart from what is already in store, I deal mainly in Bulk Packs (¼ of full pack) or Full Packs (full factory packs), direct from Swarovski, Austria).

Swarovski Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon No Hotfix - Availability Chart Matrix

Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon No HF- Sizes

Swarovsky Flatback 2080/4 Cabochon HF is available in these sizes: SS10, SS16, SS34

Refer to the PP/SS Size Chart for conversion to mm and inches (Opens in new window)

Please refer the Availability Chart Matrix below for more specifics.

Swarovski Flat Back 2788 Wave - Availability Chart Matrix

Color Bonus

I so happen to have on me some lovely photos of the Swarovsky Crystal Flatback 2080/4 Cabochon in the latest Pearl Gemcolors as at Feb 2012. (Photo Credit: CREATE YOUR STYLE). This is sure to whet your appetite so be forewarned!

These images apply only to the Flat Back Hotfix.

Click to view the larger, more delicious image.

Swarovski Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon2080/4 Crystal Ivory (001 708)
Swarovski Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon2080/4 Crystal Jade (001 715)
Swarovski Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon2080/4 Crystal Lapis (001 717)
Swarovski Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon2080/4 Crystal Pink Coral (001 716)
Swarovski Crystal Flat Back 2080/4 Cabochon2080/4 Crystal Turquoise (001 709)

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