Wire Gauge

Convenient Wire Size Conversion Table

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Wire gauge is commonly referred to as "wire size", "wire diameter" and is even at times spelt as "wire gage". There is a helpful Wire Size Conversion table below. However the wire conversions (wherever you find it), will be at best, only a good approximation because there is no global, consistent standard for these wire size conversions.

Wire gage applies equally to beading wire, tigertail, as well as jewelry wire (metal wire).

Wire gauges can be especially confusing to beginners because it is perversely counter-intuitive. While there is no global standard, one rule holds true:

The Larger the Gauge
the Thinner the wire.

An Explanation on Wire Gauges

Please take a moment to read the following as it is fairly important and useful.

There are a few main Gauge Rating systems:

  • AWG (American Wire Gauge) - (aka BS or "Brown & Sharpe")
    - for precious metals (copper, gold, silver, etc.)
  • SWG ([Imperial or British] Standard Wire Gauge)
    - use mainly for measuring industrial metals (steel, aluminum, brass, etc.)
  • US Steel Wire (aka W&M [Washbum & Moen] or Roebling Gauge)
    - for measuring steel
  • Birmingham Gague (aka Stubs Iron Gauge
    - for measuring iron

For our purposes, and the two most well known rating systems are AWG and SWG. Hence our conversion table will take these 2 rating systems into account.

As you will see, the same gauge number does not convert to the exact same measurement (in mm or inches). It all depends on which wire size system is used!

For example, if you are buying a wire which you are told to be 20 ga (gauge), you can see from the wire conversion table below that:
20 awg = 0.813 mm but
20 swg = 0.914 mm

Same gauge number but not the same size at all! Most of the time, this slight differential might not be very important to your project but it is something to keep in mind if you require high precision for your wire sizing.

Your seller might not even be able to tell you if the wire gauge he states is based on AWG or SWG system. However if you are buying precious metals, the likelihood is that it will be in AWG.

Jewelry Wire Gauge Conversion Table

Converting Gauge to Millimeter/Inches

Use the conversion table to convert to one unit of measurement you use most frequently - either mm or inches.
Gauge Size Ø in inches Ø in mm Ø in inches Ø in mm
0 0.325 8.252 0.324 8.229
1 0.289 7.348 0.3 7.619
2 0.258 6.543 0.276 7.01
3 0.229 5.827 0.252 6.40
4 0.204 5.189 0.232 5.892
5 0.182 4.621 0.212 5.384
6 0.162 4.115 0.192 4.876
7 0.144 3.665 0.176 4.470
8 0.129 3.264 0.16 4.064
9 0.114 2.906 0.144 3.657
10 0.102 2.588 0.128 3.251
11 0.091 2.304 0.116 2.946
12 0.0801 2.052 0.104 2.641
13 0.072 1.829 0.092 2.336
14 0.064 1.628 0.080 2.032
15 0.057 1.450 0.072 1.829
16 0.051 1.291 0.064 1.625
17 0.045 1.15 0.056 1.422
18 0.040 1.024 0.048 1.219
19 0.036 0.912 0.040 1.016
20 0.032 0.813 0.036 0.914
21 0.029 0.724 0.032 0.812
22 0.025 0.643 0.028 0.711
23 0.023 0.574 0.024 0.609
24 0.020 0.511 0.022 0.558
25 0.018 0.455 0.020 0.508
26 0.016 0.404 0.018 0.457
27 0.014 0.361 0.016 0.416
28 0.013 0.320 0.015 0.375
29 0.011 0.287 0.014 0.345
30 0.010 0.254 0.012 0.315
32 same thickness as general sewing thread

Wire Gauge Tools

There are quite a few useful tools you can get to easily help determiine the size (diameter) of your wires. They come in a number of materials from plastic to steel. They may also measure both wire diameters and thicknss of metal sheets - which would be extra handy.

Things to keep in mind when shopping for a wire gauge measurement tool:

  • Range - what sizes/diameters of wire will it measure
  • System - what system is it based on? AWG and/or SWG
  • Unit or measurement (UOM) - if it provides unit of measurement (as well as gauge), is it in millimeters or inches or (preferably) both

What Wire Size Should I Use?

This article has been updated. Click to enjoy the full details on Wire Gauge Chart: Conversion Table and Wire Tips
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