Wire Jewellery

Drop Earrings using Pins

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Using ready made Jewelry findings like headpins and eyepins is a perfect introduction into working with wire jewellery and beads.


drop earrings The headpins and eyepins come in various lengths - the former with a head and the former with a loop at one end. You can easily use either the head or the loop on the pins to act as a stopper for your beads. Jewellery pins come in hard and soft versions. It is advisable to use the hard version for earrings.

Leave at least 8mm (5/6 inch) on the pin to finish off.

Here the how-to steps demonstrate using eyepins and a 1-bead earring drop.
(see Wire Jewellery: How to Make Loops if you want to make the beaded dangle using wire instead of pins)

Tools Needed:
  • 2 eyepins
  • 2 earwires
  • selection beads of your choice
  • round-nosed pliers
  • wire cutter
1) Thread beads onto the pin.

Good idea to position a small bead at the bottom and top which will ensure that the beads fit well together.
wire jewellery - drop earrings
wire jewellery - drop earrings
2) After your beads are satisfactorily threaded, cut off excess wire with wire cutter. Leave at least 8mm excess for a good finish. wire jewellery - drop earrings
3) With one hand, hold your beads in place with the thumb and fore (middle) finger. Use the index to control the wire.

With round-nose pliers, grip the wire directly above the bead and angle the wire towards you to 45°.
wire jewellery - drop earrings
4) With the tip of the pliers, move to the end of the wire. Roll the wire away from you to form a loop. With a bit of practice, you will be able to do this in one smooth movement.

If you can't, remove the pliers and put in back into the partially formed loop. Then turn the wire in to form the loop.

wire jewellery - drop earrings
5) Neaten the plier, closing any gaps. If necessary, you can place the plier tip back into the loop to close it fully. wire jewellery - drop earrings
6) Use the pliers to open the loop on the earwire sideways. wire jewellery - drop earrings
7) Place the loop of your threaded earring drop into the earwire's opened loop.

Use the pliers to close the earwire's loop snugly.

8) Repeat the same procedure for the other side of the earring.
wire jewellery - drop earrings

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